To achieve the S2S4E objectives, BSC is leading an interdisciplinary and experienced consortium that brings together 5 research institutes (combining over 4000 researchers with leading positions in the academic community in different research lines, among others: climate services, renewable energies, high performance computing, big data and visualization), 3 energy companies (accounting for more than 15% of the renewable energy generated in the EU and with energy plants in other continents), 3 SMEs (relevant companies in their specific field with a versatile and flexible structure to adapt their strategy to new business opportunities) and a large consulting company (with a strong focus and extended experience in energy markets).
In summary, the S2S4E consortium consists of twelve partners from seven countries (Spain, France, Norway, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and Sweden). It is a balanced mix of experts in the various domains linked to climate as well as energy companies and SMEs.
5 research centres
3 energy producers
4 industrial partners
External Advisory Board (EAB)
The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)
Expert Dr Carlo Buontempo currently manages the Sectoral Information System (SIS) of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). He coordinates the activities of 7 projects working on the interface between climate science and decision making in sectors ranging from energy to city planning.

The Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction (S2S) Project
Expert Dr Andrew Robertson and Dr Frederic Vitart. Co-chairs of the WWRP/WCRP sub-seasonal-to-seasonal Prediction (S2S) project. Dr Andrew Robertson currently leads the Climate Group at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI). Dr Frederic Vitart is the principal scientist of the Extended Range Forecasting Group at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).

KIC Innoenergy
Expert Mr Mikel Lasa, CEO of InnoEnergy Iberia, has an extensive experience in bridging research, business and education within the renewable energy sector. Before joining KIC InnoEnergy, Mikel was head of the wind turbine technology division of the Spanish engineering company Apia XXI, and head of analysis and design of wind turbines at the Spanish National Centre for Renewable Energy.

Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Expert Matteo De Felice is Scientific Officer at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. He is part of the “Knowledge for the Energy Union” unit in the Energy, Transport and Climate Directorate (Directorate C). His research activity is focused on the analysis between weather/climate and European power systems.

Expert Dr Sofia G. Simoes is the coordinator of CLIM2POWER - Translating Climate Data Into Power Plant Operational Guidance. The CLIM2POWER project is developing a EU-wide web based Climate Service addressing the combined impact of climate on hydro, wind, and solar power operation, electricity, heat and cooling demand, on the whole power system. Sofia works on energy systems decarbonisation and coordinates the activities of several projects in this area, from energy poverty to urban energy systems planning.