Now Available: S2S4E Midway Status Report

Midway Status Report

S2S4E is a three-year project that started in December 2017. We have reached the midway point of our project and we are reflecting on the work completed so far. 

During this first half of the project, the eight S2S4E work packages (WP) have advanced according to the plan, producing 25 deliverables, many of them building the knowledge and technical base for the creation of the S2S4E Decision Support Tool (DST). The DST was recently launched in Brussels on June 20th, during the European Sustainable Energy Week.

The core outputs of the project are briefly summarized in the S2S4E Midway Status Report, available here. We also encourage you to test for free our carefully designed and customisable DST, which integrates for the first time forecasts ranging from one week to three months ahead, for climate variables such as temperature, precipitation and wind.


Written by Julia Cannata / BSC.