The DST version 1.4.0 is now available. The new release implements two new hydrological indicators, along with several visualisation improvements.
An updated version of the Decision Support Tool (DST;, the subseasonal to seasonal forecasting tool developed in the S2S4E project, has been released on the 20th of April 2020. In the latest DST version (beta v1.4.0), several aspects of the online tool have been revised to facilitate visualisation and user experience, while two new energy indicators for the hydropower sector have been made available.
The two hydrological indicators now available on the DST are the snow max anomaly and inflow anomaly, developed by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). These indicators are visualised in catchments. The snow max anomaly indicator reflects the maximum amount of water stored as snow during winter, while inflow anomaly indicates anomalous inflows in relation to a reference period.

Visualisation of the hydropower indicator "inflow anomaly", available on the DST v1.4.0 on the 20th of April 2020. Forecast window: Week 2, Apr 27 - May 03 (based on forecast issued on 16 Apr 2020).
Some further changes have been implemented to improve visualisation and user experience, including the following:
The last prediction is now displayed by default when entering the DST.
Specific dates for each of the forecast window options (e.g. for 1 week, 1 month etc.) are displayed.
Information about the date of the prediction that is shown and until which date it will be valid, appears on the top right banner of the DST.
A loading icon appears while the data is loading to inform the user.
There is now an option on the top right banner to allow users to provide feedback.
In the next few weeks, subseasonal forecasts will be improved by switching from the NCEP CFSv2 system to the ECMWF extended-range forecast system. Users will be informed when this change is implemented.
Written by Andria Nicodemou (BSC).