
S2S4E to present new forecasting tool for clean power at E-World


S2S4E will present the new forecasting tool for the energy industry at E-World Energy & Water from 11-13 February. Visit our stand to learn more about what we are doing to make long-term forecasts more reliable!

At our stand, which will be part of the Montel stand (stand 3-124) in hall 3, you will be able to meet Llorenç Lledó from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, and Karla Hernández and Joan Miquel Anglès from Nnergix Energy Management.

In Paris, the Climate Sprint Accelerated Climate Solutions

Climate Sprint

Organised as part of the S2S4E project, the Climate Sprint took place in Paris, on 13 November. Gathering more than 40 participants coming from all over Europe, this day-long innovation camp included panel sessions and problem-solving workshops to help understand how climate information for sub-seasonal and seasonal timescales can be used to make better decisions.

Forecasts agree: The winter in northern Europe will be mild and wet this year

forecasts_ from_ world_leading_weather_agencies

Something unusual has happened: All existing global weather models agree that there is a high chance of a wetter and milder winter than normal in northern Europe this year. CICERO researcher and climatologist Nathalie Schaller explains why.

If you live in northern Europe, I bet you have at least once in your life thought: “the weather today is crazy!”. And all of us weather forecasters and climatologists would in fact agree with you!

S2S4E is analysing economic impact of climate predictions on decision-making in the renewable energy field

S2S4E is analysing economic impact of climate predictions on decision-making in the renewable energy field

What are the economic benefits for renewable energy companies of having more reliable S2S forecasts? S2S4E is working to find out.

As part of the research, the S2S4E project is working to evaluate what are the economic outcomes for companies testing the new forecasting tool for clean energy and energy demand, the S2S4E Decision Support Tool (DST).