S2S4E is coming to a close with three events

final events

The S2S4E project is coming to an end, with three final events: a webinar on winter outlook, a policy panel discussion and a climate forecasting workshop.

After 3 years of research on sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts and many lessons learnt, the S2S4E Climate Services for Clean Energy project is coming to an end in December 2020. The project is organising the final three online events: 

  • 23 October - 13:00 CET: "S2S4E Winter Outlook & Euro-Atlantic Teleconnections" webinar
  • 2 December - 10:45-12:15 CET: "Policy Roundtable on Climate Adaptation and Renewable Energy" panel discussion
  • 4 December - 10:00-18:00 CET: "Climate Forecasting for Energy" workshop

Participation at these events is free, although prior registration is necessary. More information on the event content and registration can be found below:

23 October, 13:00 CET - Webinar

S2S4E Winter Outlook & Euro-Atlantic Teleconnections

Webinar 23 November

At the S2S4E Winter Outlook webinar, Andrea Manrique and Llorenç Lledó from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center will present the latest sub-seasonal and seasonal forecasts available in the S2S4E Decision Support Tool (DST), a forecasting tool aimed at the energy sector.

The outlook will include forecasts on temperature, wind, precipitation and solar radiation expected for the winter season. In addition, Llorenç Lledó will also present the forecasts of the Euro-Atlantic teleconnections.

Prior registration is required. Register here.

2 December, 10:45-12:15 CET - Panel discussion



policy banner

S2S4E will be hosting a panel discussion based on the policy recommendations elaborated in the project’s white report. The recommendations result from the lessons learnt during the project and address the next steps for climate services aimed at the energy sector. 

This discussion will take place at a break-out session hosted by S2S4E as part of the full-day event organised by the European Commission, EASME Executive Agency and Climateurope, “Climate services for a climate-resilient Europe: Success stories, lessons learnt and remaining challenges”. 

The session will cover the following three topics:

  • Climate information needs & integration across energy systems’ timescales
  • Applications of climate forecasts in risk management
  • Communicating uncertainty: what is next in climate services for renewable energy

Read more in the event page and flyer. Prior registration is required, see Climateurope's page.

4 December, 10:00-18:00 CET - One-day workshop

Climate forecasting for energy

Workshop on climate forecasting

Renewable energy is widely seen as a major step towards achieving the goals of the Paris climate agreement. However, renewable energy production is weather-dependent.

Sub-seasonal to seasonal climate forecasts on timescales of weeks to months ahead have the potential to support the management and operation of renewable systems.

This workshop seeks to address the challenges in the use of climate data (particularly S2S forecasts) in energy applications by discussing:

  • The science basis of climate forecasting,
  • The use of climate data in energy modelling and decision making, and
  • State-of-the-art research advances in the use of climate data in energy modelling.

This event is organised jointly with openmod. Participants are invited to share their research on the use of climate information in energy-system applications and models through a poster or presentation submission.

Read more in the event page and flyer. Prior registration is required, please register here.