The S2S4E project welcomes you to join our sessions at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) in Madrid on December 11 and 12, 2019.
The S2S4E project welcomes you to join our sessions at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) in Madrid on December 11 and 12, 2019.
Organised as part of the S2S4E project, the Climate Sprint took place in Paris, on 13 November. Gathering more than 40 participants coming from all over Europe, this day-long innovation camp included panel sessions and problem-solving workshops to help understand how climate information for sub-seasonal and seasonal timescales can be used to make better decisions.
On 25 November, the S2S4E project will present its second webinar on the S2S4E Decision Support Tool.
The new forecasting tool developed by S2S4E can help companies reduce climate-related risk by providing global weather outlooks for up to three months ahead, said CICERO researcher Jana Sillmann at a recent event in Norway.
Most of Europe is likely to see unseasonably mild weather in December, and in Northern Europe, temperatures set to be above normal at least until the end of January, S2S4E Decision Support Tool forecasts show.
What are the economic benefits for renewable energy companies of having more reliable S2S forecasts? S2S4E is working to find out.
As part of the research, the S2S4E project is working to evaluate what are the economic outcomes for companies testing the new forecasting tool for clean energy and energy demand, the S2S4E Decision Support Tool (DST).
Parts of Western Europe are likely to see unseasonably warm and dry weather until mid-October, while Northern Europe will be cooler and wetter than normal, particularly over the next two weeks, S2S4E Decision Support Tool forecasts show.
Save the date! On Monday, 7 October at 14:30 - 15:30 CET partners from the project S2S4E will present a technical and hands-on introduction the the new S2S4E Decision Support Tool.
On 7 October, the S2S4E project will present the first of a series of webinars for the energy community. The webinar program is the following:
The Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project (S2S) is a joint research initiative from 2013, whose main goal is to “improve forecast skill and understanding of the subseasonal to seasonal timescale, and to promote its uptake by operational centres and exploitation by the applications communities.”